The Ultimate Showdown: Singing vs. Playing An Instrument – Which Is Easier to Learn?

Man Plays a Guitar

Embarking on a musical journey is an exciting adventure, and you might be wondering whether it’s easier to learn to sing or play an instrument. There are unique challenges and rewards associated with both options, and your choice will ultimately come down to your personal interests and goals.

If you’re leaning towards singing, you’ll be happy to know that your voice is a built-in instrument that you carry with you all the time. This allows for constant practice and improvement, even without a formal setting. On the other hand, learning to play an instrument requires dedicated practice time and often comes with a steeper learning curve.

When it comes to deciding which is easier, consider your natural abilities, passion, and commitment to practice. Remember, the most important factor in your musical journey is the enjoyment and fulfillment you gain from expressing yourself creatively. Have fun exploring your options, and you’ll find the path that’s perfect for you!

Understanding Music Basics

Musical Theory

Learning the basics of music starts with understanding musical theory. This involves knowing how to read sheet music, understanding key signatures, scales, and chords.

Though it is not required to know music theory to be able to play an instrument or sing, having a basic knowledge will greatly improve your ability to grasp concepts and expand your musicality.

You can learn music theory even if you don’t play an instrument. To make it easier to understand, you might consider starting with a simpler instrument such as a xylophone or a harmonica.

Rhythm and Timing

Rhythm and timing are crucial aspects when it comes to learning to sing or play an instrument. Rhythm refers to the pattern of sound and silence in a piece of music, while timing involves the coordination and accuracy of the beats.

Developing a good sense of rhythm is essential for singers and instrumentalists alike, as it helps with keeping the music flowing smoothly, and in-sync with other musicians. Practicing with a metronome can be helpful, as it will train your brain and muscle memory to maintain a consistent tempo.

Melody and Harmony

Lastly, melody and harmony play a significant role in understanding music basics. A melody is a series of musical notes that form the main theme of a song, while harmony refers to the combination of two or more notes played or sung simultaneously to create a pleasing sound.

Whether you are singing or playing an instrument, being able to recognize and create melodic and harmonic lines will help you become a more expressive and skilled musician. Developing your ear for melody and harmony can be done through active listening, ear training exercises, and learning musical intervals.

Learning to Sing

Vocal Training

Learning to sing starts with proper vocal training. Just like any other skill, practice is key to improving your singing voice.

Begin by finding a reputable vocal coach or taking online singing lessons. You’ll be guided through various exercises that help you warm up your voice, strengthen your vocal cords, and ultimately improve the quality and power of your singing. Remember, it’s essential to practice regularly and be patient, as progress might not be instant.

Breathing Techniques

Proper breathing techniques are vital for a singer. Unlike regular speaking or breathing, singing requires a different kind of breath control to ensure optimal vocal performance. Spend time learning exercises that focus on deep, diaphragmatic breathing. This helps your body access more oxygen, leading to greater control of your voice and improved endurance while singing. Eventually, these breathing techniques will become second nature to you and enhance your overall vocal quality.

Pitch Control

One crucial aspect of singing is pitch control. Developing your ability to match and maintain pitch is important for delivering a pleasant singing performance. This can be accomplished by using the Solfege method, which involves associating each note with a specific syllable. Start with simple scales and gradually move on to more complex melodic exercises. Remember to pay attention to your intonation and adjust your pitch accordingly.

Singing in a Chorus or Ensemble

Finally, consider joining a chorus or ensemble to further improve your singing abilities. Singing with a group provides the opportunity to learn from others, develop your ear for harmony, and fine-tune your vocal blending skills.

Performing in a group setting will also build your confidence as a singer and help you become more comfortable singing before an audience.

Playing an Instrument

Choosing an Instrument

When it comes to selecting an instrument, it’s important to consider your interests and natural abilities. For some people, a stringed instrument like the guitar or violin may come more naturally, while others may excel at wind instruments like the flute or saxophone.

Regardless of your choice, remember that each instrument has its own set of intricacies and challenges, and your progress largely depends on your dedication and practice. Here is a list of some of the easiest instruments to play while singing.

Musical Notation

As you begin learning to play an instrument, you’ll need to become familiar with musical notation. Reading sheet music allows you to understand the pitch, duration, and timing of the notes you’ll play.

Developing a strong foundation in reading music will help you communicate with other musicians and improve your overall skills. This Reddit post explains how learning an instrument improves your overall understanding of music theory, which is essential for singing and playing simultaneously.

Instrument Maintenance

Maintaining your instrument is crucial to producing the best sound and ensuring its longevity. Some general maintenance tips include cleaning your instrument regularly, using proper storage cases, and replacing consumable parts (such as strings, drum heads, or reeds) when necessary.

Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for your specific instrument to understand the best practices for prolonging its life.

Practicing Independently and In a Band

When learning an instrument, it’s essential to practice both independently and with other musicians. Solo practice allows you to focus on your technique, master new songs, and set personal goals.

On the other hand, practicing with a band or ensemble helps you develop your listening skills, learn to play in harmony, and adapt to various dynamics, pitch, and tempo changes, crucial aspects of good musicianship.

Comparing Singing and Instrument Playing

Time Investment

Learning to sing or play an instrument both require time and dedication. For singing, you will need to invest time in vocal exercises, warm-ups, and learning proper techniques to develop your voice and control. On the other hand, playing an instrument involves learning to read music, mastering finger placements, and understanding rhythm.

While the time investment may vary for each individual, be prepared to commit to regular practice sessions for both singing and playing an instrument.


The cost of learning to sing or play an instrument can differ based on various factors. Singing lessons typically involve hiring a vocal coach, which can range in price depending on their expertise.

Additionally, you should consider the cost of books, sheet music, and practice materials. Meanwhile, the cost of learning an instrument usually includes purchasing or renting the instrument itself and investing in accessories, lessons, repairs, and maintenance.

Comparatively, singing could be more affordable than playing certain instruments, especially if you are a beginner.

Performance Considerations

When it comes to performing, singers and instrumentalists alike face their own unique set of challenges. As a singer, you need to take care of your vocal health, ensure proper pitch and tone, and captivate audiences with your presence.

Instrumentalists must master their instrument, navigate complex arrangements, and cooperate within an ensemble or band setting.

Both singers and instrumentalists need to develop stage presence and effective communication with audiences.

Should you learn an instrument before singing?

There is no rule that says you must learn an instrument before singing or vice versa. Some people choose to focus on one over the other, while others pursue both simultaneously.

Learning an instrument can provide a deeper understanding of music theory and may improve your sense of rhythm, making it a helpful skill if you decide to pursue singing later. However, if singing is your primary passion, you can dedicate your time to strengthening your vocal techniques and performance skills without the need to learn an instrument first.

Final Thoughts

When deciding whether to learn singing or playing an instrument, it’s essential to consider your interests, goals, and natural abilities. Singing is a more natural choice for some, as our voices come from within our bodies, making it easier to create nuances in the sound, as well as to learn proper breathing techniques 1. On the other hand, learning to play an instrument, such as the ukulele or keyboard, might be better suited for those who prefer a more tactile experience and enjoy the challenge of mastering finger placements and chord progressions 2 3.

As you embark on your musical journey, remember that both singing and playing an instrument require practice and dedication. No matter which path you choose, consistent practice is crucial to developing your skills and reaching your full potential.

If you find it difficult to decide, why not try both? Learning to sing while playing an instrument can benefit you in several ways, such as improving your multitasking abilities and enhancing your overall musicianship 4.

Moreover, experimenting with both can help you better understand which one you genuinely enjoy and excel at. Ultimately, the decision lies in your hands, and embracing the process will lead to a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience.


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